I don't think it's funny at all.
This guy just told me too bad.
There is another post on another thread where
a guy ordered 75 pounds of Vava'u and
he was only sent 50 pounds.
The guy told him the same thing.
Too bad.
So I am a little upset.
Plus I found a coral eating snail in it which
I wouldn't have found without the dip.
Damselblue has now repeated
something in which she has no
positive proof of truth.
Yet, she has chosen to use it
as a weapon against the
company which she feels
has wronged her.
She has bought a story
for which she has
paid a steep price,
although does not realize.
Damselblue's steps should
be choosen carefully ...
or, she may find herself
sinking into a negative
situation from which
there may be no escape.
Voice of Reason
Now being shorted 25 pounds is NOT funny,
whoever this kid is has to deal with this
issue ... "no doubt."
On the other hand, live rock is not like fish
if it arrives dead ..."you can send it back!"
With live rock, you can't send it back,
it basically comes dead with all the life
practically guaranteed to grow back if you
don't screw it up.
Once you order live rock, you're pretty much
on your own to cycle it, rid it of pests and
revive the rocks while under your care.
Some rocks look and bounce back better than
others, even if it's the same (Fiji Premium)
rocks for instance.
There's an easy solution to being
shorted 25 pounds. You save the e-mail
where they say "too bad," and you
stop payment on the credit card.
Seriously, live rock is the most overpriced
thing in this hobby.
I've got 10 lbs. or so in my tank, and 50 lbs.
or so of stuff that was dry rock.
Don't worry about it, it'll all look great
in a year if you keep the tank well.
It's the air freight that is expensive.
(FishThis doesn't understand the high cost of flying!)
I'm wondering if Damselblue has found
her copy of the e-mail that said "too bad" ...??
Since we don't know if either the alledged
25-pound and "too bad" claims are true,
FishThis may need to rethink this advice!
Even if the high s.g. did kill most stuff ...
which I don't think it would ... some stuff
surely survived and will start growing once
the rock is cured.
Live rock never looks like the stuff in their
pictures after it is shipped unless it's shipped
fully submerged, which would make the
cost WAYYYYY high.
Use a bottle of patience and the rock
will look fine.
Voice of Reason
Damselblue, your live rock is going
to be fine, believe me.
Follow the instructions that came along
with the rocks and you should see a
steady improvement.
Most places hype how much better their
rocks are over everyone else's and put up
these perfect looking rock pics full of
color and life, but that's not what you get
more often than not. It's just great
marketing on their part to bait customers.
What you saw in those pics is what you
have ... "BELIEVE THAT," it's just
gonna take time to see'm regenerate.
I'd say three months to a year at most,
but you're gonna see improvement steadily ...
"just like me."
Sorry I thought it was funny.
Damselblue, I'm sorry about your
experience, but it saves others (like me)
from considering livestockusa.
Live rock is really about the
shapes, and your rock looks like
rounded blocks to me.
Not the best shapes.
All of the pieces?
Don't worry about the effects of the dip.
It doesn't penetrate far into the rock and
most life on the rock will survive.
I know because ten years ago when I didn't
know better I gave a shipment of live rock
a freshwater dip.
Some things were driven out of the rock,
but a lot survived.
All the same - Anyone that tells
you "too bad" when you have
a valid complaint deserves
at least to have trouble
getting paid.
Got your credit card phone
number ready? Make that call.
And thanks for the warning.
How can Sal be sure Damselblue's claims are true?
If they aren't, he may be advising her to commit fraud!
Wish I would have known people have
had trouble with them before I bought it.
I had only heard good things.
I wonder why Damselblue used the word "PEOPLE" ?
Who are all of these people?
Well..........a couple of the pieces don't
look too bad. Nothing like what they have
on their website (I checked).
I wonder ... did Sal look at all of the photos ...?
If you can't get a satisfying solution from
your credit card company, you might want
to sell the rock you don't like to another
reefer and order a few more pieces from
another dealer.
If that's a 40 gallon breeder you have
you don't need a lot of rock anyway, not
much height in that tank size. You want
some branchy or shelflike pieces - something
to open up that reef structure some.
The fine folks on "The Thread" have
been told that the company has told
Damselblue "too bad" in regard
to her complaint.
Damselblue has sent messages to Birdfish ...
she has told him that others on
"The Thread" totally agree with her
regarding her complaints and that
everyone agrees with her that
her live rock does not look
as it is supposed to.
However, what she has not told
Birdfish is that she posted to others
that he told her "too bad."
So, when Birdfish arrives to read,
he discovers what Damselblue has posted,
very much to his surprise.
He now joins "The Thread" with some
comments of his own in order
to set the story straight ...
Hi all,
I hate to hear things like this, and even worse
hate to have to make public such a discussion.
However, we have no choice it seems, since
all being told is not true.
First, no one ever heard "too bad" from
our company. Second, no one ever got a
box of Vava'u with 50 lbs., it can't be ordered
that way. 75 pound boxes is it, though they
may vary 5 lbs. either way (and we promptly
refund or ask for the balance).
Third, of five e-mails we received from Damselblue
over 24 hours, totaling 35 lines, we responded
with two e-mails totaling over 25 lines. I can
hardly term that "too bad," and think it is
quite unfair to characterize it as such.
Here are some things I cut out of the e-mails
Damselblue sent us.
Quoted verbatim:
"There were tons of little black bugs
and earwig-looking bugs crawling around
on the live rock. There were these things.
Of course, two of them are snails,
brown-looking things?
Worms of some sort? Flat worms?
They don't look like bristleworms."
(Note ... of course, the "bugs" are marine creatures of some sort.)
"The rock has very nice shapes.
Thank you very much. I read online
where if you place it in a container with
an SG of 1.035, potential predators will
come out of the rock. The SG in the tank
is only at 1.023. I couldn't raise it higher.
It wouldn't raise even when I put
more salt in. After the rock was
in there, I put one more cup of salt
in the tank. Do you think I shouldn't
have done that and that's why it's black?
Or is it from the charcoal?
I'm just so afraid I did something wrong."
"... I showed others on "The Thread" and
they totally agree with me."
"The pieces are nice shapes, but the rock
looks like base rock."
~ ~ ~ end of quoted material from e-mails received here ~ ~ ~
All of our rock pictures were taken of boxes
on the way to customers. No two boxes of
live rock are alike. No picture on our website
is artificially colored.
If someone says to us the most important thing
is shape, then I would probably not steer them
toward Fiji, yet, some of the best pieces I've
ever seen are from Fiji.
And our rock is not "WS" rock. It is a small
"mom and pop" (family or tribal) operation
we support.
We have a curing live rock page on our
website, which was one of the first of its sort
on the Web, and been much copied now.
If someone chooses to ignore that and do it
"their way" ~ 1.035 salinty dips ~
then we obviously cannot tell you what will
happen, or guaranty our product will be the
same when you decide to alter it.
We surely should not be held responsible,
or subject to what borders on slander, when
someone chooses their own methods over
"manufacturer" recommendations.
Obviously rock with all the life described
above is not "base rock."
Pouring cups of salt into the tank is
recommended where, for what?
As I said in private e-mails, I think Damselblue
may have seriously stunned and "set back"
the rock, however, in time, I am sure it will
be good live rock.
It will be longer than had it not been put
in water nearly twice as salty as the ocean,
but it will make it, and be good, as many
who obviously know what they are doing
have said here in this thread.
In looking at say your 2nd and 3rd pictures
the shapes look GREAT to me. I see a
cave or tunnel, lots of relief.
The color seems faded, but after double
salinity, we should expect that.
It will all come back fine.
Rad Atom
Damselblue, I think that your rock is just fine.
The vendors really can't win, if someone gets
a pest, they complain.
If someone gets rock with no critters living
in or on it, they complain.
And the complaints about coralline algae,
frankly, are just plain ignorant.
What lives or dies depends on how high the
ammonia spikes. That depends on how hot it
was during shipping, how it was handled at the
vendor's holding tanks, and how you handle it.
Putting it in high salinity is something that
I would not do. But, others may, and that
is something that only the aquarist, not the
vendor, can decide. Some folks like to
have bare rock with nothing but the corals
that they want living on it. Others want
to save as much as they can.
I think that you should be thankful that
you didn't get a bunch of small pieces.
More often, this is the case.
Birdfish: In my humble opinion, this thread
does not make your live rock look bad,
I think it looks quite nice.
OK thank you for letting me know how ignorant I am.
Oops! No one said Damselblue was ignorant ...
it was said that complaints about coralline algae are ignorant ...
(I think Damselblue may have taken this a bit personally.)
If you go to the website I have mentioned
previous times, you will see that treatment
is recommended.
I can't win here.
I guess I'm just one of those stupid people
in the hobby that experienced people
cannot stand.
I'm here to learn.
At least I am not the only one that
came forth with getting rock that
was not as expected.
Not as expected ????
I didn't know the other customer said
the rock was "not as expected!"
... I thought he was claiming
he didn't get enough of it !!
Shorting a man 25 pounds and not making
up for it is very, very, very poor
customer service.
I will order from another company if I ever
do order live rock again ... their customer
service is outstanding.
I was supposed to get varied pieces in the
order thank you. Some LARGER and
If you private message LadyOctopus,
she will tell you. She looked at my rock,
she's worked in the business of reefing
for 10 years and SHE AGREES WITH ME.
John Q Reefer
That's too bad ya got such a raw deal!
Tell ya what, I just don't feel right a
righteous person as yourself having to
deal with that rock.
Tell ya what I'm gonna do ... you just
pack up all that cheesy rock and ship it
to me and I'll find a place for it somewhere
in my ghetto reef so you don't have to bear
looking at it anymore (heheeee ... snickers) ...
somehow I doubt I shall be getting a
private message asking my shipping addy!
That rock will be simply THE BOMB
in 3 months ... FEAR NOT!
Heh ... I got two cinder blocks, an empty
Colt 45 can, and a snub nose 38 all covered
in coralline in my tank!
...Continue to Act IV