Originally posted by Birdfish
"First, no one ever heard "too bad" from our company.
Second, no one ever got a box of Vava'u with 50 lbs."
I ordered 75 lbs,
and got right at 50.
I got a refund of appox. $20.
Pretty close.
I don't have the exact number.
I can look it up if you dispute this.
Wise Owl Recalling What Happened -
Upon receiving his live rock,
JesseJames sent this e-mail to Birdfish ...
"I weighed the box myself when I got home.
It's right at 55 pounds."
Jesse's shipment from Tonga was 68 pounds.
The original order estimate was for 75 pounds.
He immediately received a refund for the difference.
I e-mailed you within an hour of returning
from the airport, stating what the box weighed.

You then tried to convince me that the weight
difference was water evaporation.
I said ridiculous.
You then explained that boxes are routinely
weighed with other boxes on a pallet, with
the pallet weight being deducted. I asked
the gentleman at the airline when I was there
to weigh my box BY ITSELF on their daily
calibrated (per the airline) digital scale.
Again, the box weighed right at 50 pounds.
(I told you this).
~ Wise Owl Reading E-mails ~
Upon receiving his live rock shipment, JesseJames wrote ...
The rock is very nice. One piece especially.
This rock looks very much like some pieces
of limestone I am seeding in the
display as well. It is going to work
very nicely. There is actually a
small piece of what looks like montipora
that appears to be extending some of
its polyps already.
I'll get some decent pics of the rock
for my reef club. Thanks for a pleasant
online experience.
Let me know what you think about
the weight issue.
He was sent the following reply ...
We're glad that will work out nicely for you!
Regarding the weight ... the kilo weight is
written on the top of the box ... that would
be 30.8 ... this works out to be 68 pounds.
(Multiply 30.8 x 2.2)
A credit will be processed for you today for
the difference. In terms of the airline weight ...
it's not an official weight. It's an estimated
weight the airlines use. It has to do with the
pallet weight and a deduction they make for it.
If you look on the box itself, the shipment weight
will be there.
We appreciate your comments and
feedback ... thank you!
Thanks again and you'll be receiving
a credit for seven pounds later today.
The airline found this very
amusing Birdfish, and I told you this.
Here is what Jesse stated ...
"...the airline finds this not only
unlikely, but humorous that they could be
off by 20 pounds."
"Those pieces of rock drained 20 pounds
of water from Tonga to me? .... Ridiculous."
Birdfish replied ...
"From the first moment, we said the
rock weighed 68 pounds ...
so the difference we are talking about
is 13 pounds ... not 20."
"How could or would I suggest 20 evaporated?
13 pounds is at issue."
I provided you with a number to call the airline
yourself to validate the weight and speak with the
exact employee that weighed the box originally,
by itself, within two hours of receiving the box.
The manager on duty at the airline wanted to talk
to you regarding the weight. You declined to call.
Jesse felt that his airline "validates"
the weights on international shipments.
An imported shipment already has a
documented declared weight.
The "exact employee that weighed the box"
is not the person who validates the weight.
For what purpose would Birdfish call?
I would also like to say that I was not unhappy
with the shape of my rock. It was decent rock,
but I DID NOT receive the amount I paid for, and
was not refunded the full amount of missing rock,
even after I provided a number to the exact person
that weighed the rock at the airport.
Why you would not call the airline and verify
the weight and resolve the issue is beyond me.
I am very sorry this happened to you.
It's completely unfair.
Hi All,
Sorry of the "off-topic," but since
it has been brought up here....
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
JesseJames ... Did you not receive the below
e-mail last year? This was my last correspondence,
I never received a reply. Did you ever get by
to read our "Rock Weights" article?
Original E-mail starts now:
Hi Jesse,
I guess I wasn't clear. I did not say the rock
evaported 20 pounds, ever. From the first
moment, we said the rock weighed 68 pounds
when it was in Tonga.
That difference of 7 lbs. was refunded to you last
Friday - a week ago - within 48 hrs. It was refunded
to the name you originally payed with. I asked
yesterday if you received this and still haven't seen
an answer. So the difference we are talking about
is 13 pounds in my mind, since day one, not 20.
We've already refunded the 7 pounds.
How could or would I suggest 20 evaporated?
13 pounds is at issue.
JesseJames wrote ...
Those three pieces of rock drained 20 pounds
of water from Tonga to me?
That's say ... conservatively over 10 gallons
of saltwater?? Ridiculous.
I know full well after ten years in the hobby
what a gallon of saltwater weighs.
I fully expected some fluctuation in weight.
The rock was weighed in Tonga, and over
10 gallons of water evaporated out (?)
Jesse ... In the above you suggest
20 pounds of water is 10 gallons
and that you know what a gallon weighs.
Your figures equal 2 pounds per gallon.
A U.S. Gallon of water weighs 8.6 pounds.
Imperial gallon more.
ONE GALLON = 8.6 pounds ... so I respectfully
submit that it appears as though you have a
problem with weights and measures.
I would suggest ONE gallon may have
evaporated out of the rock between Tonga
and here in 48 hours.
That is 8.6 lbs.
So if we add 8.6 lbs. to the 55 you say it
weighed there - that equals 63.6 pounds.
Your first e-mail said you weighed it on
a bathroom scale, now it is digital.
Interesting evolution. Let's say any
(bathroom) scale is off a couple percent.
Now the 63.6 lbs. plus another pound or
two from the scale being off a percent or two
equals 65 or 66 pounds. We have refunded
from the 7 lbs. difference (a week ago)
from 75 down to 68 pounds. So now what
we're really talking about is a couple
of pounds difference !!
Today's additional thoughts.....
The legal weight, and always correct,
is the invoice on the exporter's and importer's
documents, which we have and can provide,
not the airbill, where you got the 50 pounds
from in the first place. As written on
top of your box the invoice for your box
was 30.8 kilos (68 lbs.), just 12 pounds
from the "bathroom scale" weight first
claimed (original e-mails retained).
We darn sure didn't say "too bad!"
I see.
The airline is in the business of shipping
to make money. When I see the man put the
box on the scales at the airport, and it weighs
50+ (55 I believe was the number) on his scales,
you can bet that's what the box weighed that
I received, because it's cash on delivery for
services rendered.
What the importer's and exporter's documents
say I'm assuming doesn't mean a whole lot to
the airline when they are charging me for shipping
an item that has not been paid for until delivery.
(The minimum freight charges by the airline often
determine the cost of lower-weight shipments.
In this case, the airline would collect the
same amount of money for 50 pounds
as they would for 68 pounds.)
Received in an e-mail message from Jesse ...
"I asked the airline about it
possibly being that much off ...
it doesn't make sense to me after
I weighed it myself, and the airline
assures me that it weighs what
they say it did."
Why, after weighing his live rock again
at home, did JesseJames call the airline
to ask them if their weight could be off
if he had just watched them weigh it
while he was there?
As far as my bathroom scales and digital scales,
you forgot to include my e-mail that the digital
scales referred to were the airline's scales,
not my own. Perhaps you can post that one.
Here is that message ...
"I never said I weighed it on
a digital scale. I said the airport did.
I did weigh it on a bathroom scale
here at home."
Why did JesseJames weigh his box
at home on his bathroom scale?
Didn't he just witness it being
weighed on a digital scale at the airline?
Most bathroom scales state "Not legal for trade."
I suppose the reason why you would completely
disregard what my box weighed at the airport,
after I asked you to call the airline rep who
wanted to speak with you, and stick to what was
written on the box in Tonga, is very simply money.
I paid for 75 lbs. of rock.
55 was delivered.
7 lbs. was refunded.
That leaves 13 pounds that in my opinion I got
stuck for. Not alot of money, but I'd prefer
to receive what I pay for.
Let's compare notes!
This is what JesseJames posted to Damselblue ...
"... They sent me 50 pounds and then
tried to convince me that 25 pounds of
water had either drained or evaporated."
...Continue to Act XI - Scene Two