Although JesseJames corrected his math,
he still insisted that he had been cheated ...
If you placed a prepaid order for a 75 lb. box
of rock from Tonga and picked it up at the airport
in your area after the man weighed it in front
of you at the airport on scales that they use
for the very lifeblood of their business, and
it weighed 55 lbs., would you call your
supplier and ask what gives?
If the supplier then states that it weighed
68 pounds when he shipped it and he'll
refund 7 pounds, you would just let the
remaining 13 pounds go and just continue
doing business with this person?
I doubt it.
As Birdfish puts it ... he has spent so much
time at the airport with incoming and outgoing
shipments, that he "likes the smell of jet fuel"
... so Birdfish has an intimate understanding
of how freight is weighed and charged.
Most airbills do not exactly match the import documents.
So, Birdfish most likely would not call the supplier to
ask "what gives?"
It took me awhile, but I think I understand your
point of view now Birdfish.
The airbill means nothing to your
company concerning how you charge
potential purchasers of live rock.
The actual weight of the box they
receive in their hands has nothing
to do with the amount they are charged.
What your supplier in Tonga has
written on the box is the amount
you consider valid ... end of discussion.
This is the root of our disagreement.
Finally, JesseJames may have come to terms
with this situation, although he obviously felt
that it was not fair that his live rock
was weighed in Tonga.
Suddenly, a warm wind kicks up and before
you could wipe the dust from your eyes,
JesseJames had riden off into the sunset,
leaving a trail of legends behind.
What you witnessed was fast and furious with
misleading comments wound tight throughout.

So, let's stop a moment to water the horses
and take a closer look at the
legends and claims of JesseJames ...
To the Outlaw Jesse James:
Let's go back to when you first brought your box
of live rock home ... when you called me on
the telephone to tell me your box was light and
that you were weighing it on your bathroom scale.
... When you had your wife hold the phone to your
head so you could hear and speak to me while you
held the box and stepped on your scale.
You said something like,
"OK, my wife is holding the phone to my
ear and I am stepping on the scale with the box."
And, I asked, "What does the scale read?"
But, you didn't answer me.
Silence. Nothing.
You were there on the scale with the box,
complaining about the weight and again I
asked you, "What does the scale read, Jesse James?"
Twice I asked a simple question and I did not
receive an answer.
If your complaint was honest, true and valid,
you would not have thought twice about
telling me the number you were looking at on
the scale dial, would you? However, I did hear
you say to your wife, "Remember that number,"
careful to not disclose it to me.
I never did know what that number was.
Then, you stepped off the scale and set the box
down and stepped back on the scale without
the box. Your wife handed you the phone then
and then I asked "what does the scale say now?"
Again you refused to answer me.
Dead silence. So, I again repeated my question
and asked how much you weighed while you were
on the scale, but you wouldn't reveal your weight.
You would not share the crucial information I had
a right to know ... what the scale read and
how much YOU weighed.
I was forced to ask myself, "Why would he not
tell me what the weight was on the scale?
Why would he not share what he is seeing?"
Twice for each weight I asked what the dial
on the scale read, and you would not answer.
I remember this like it was yesterday, because
I have never had a complaint or conversation
of this nature.
Didn't I have a right to know the numbers
you were looking at if there was really,
honestly something wrong?
Then you said, "OK let's see thisamuch minus
thatamuch = 55 lbs., just what the airbill said."
I know why you wouldn't tell me the numbers
you were looking at ... it was because you
could not do the math quickly enough in
your head to come up with the number
that matched the airbill number (weight).
That is the ONLY POSSIBLE reason you refused
to share with me the weights on the scale
with you and the box, and without the box
while you were looking at them and on
the phone with me.
You were challenging a weight that was
shipped to you, yet wouldn't tell me
what the scale said.
An honest person would have answered my
question ... there was nothing for me to gain,
but some truth, and you refused to give it.
JesseJames is a man who cannot answer a
straight question and one that is not honest.
Before posting to Damselblue, you knew you did
NOT pay for 75 pounds and receive 50 pounds.
And, yet, you posted this to a public message board.
You knew even by the airbill it was at least 55 pounds
(which means it was probably 65 lbs.), and that you
only paid for 68 pounds after receiving your refund,
not for 75 pounds. It wasn't the truth and yet
you led Damselblue to believe that you were
stolen from and told "too bad."
Knowingly, you exaggerated the figures on
BOTH ends of your story. You saw an opportunity
to try to do some damage ... just the way you said
you would when you sent this message ...
"I am a respected member of what is probably
the largest reef club in the state ... I assure you,
they will know my experience with your company,
as well as every other reef site I frequent on
the Web, and any other I can find. Believe me
when I say my $86.25 that you have stolen will
be accounted for in time."
Unfortunately, your math was again incorrect ...
I have yet to understand where you got the figure
of $86.25 when 13 pounds was at issue, which was
never a valid issue to begin with.
You spotted Damselblue's post and saw it as a way
to try to "get back" for what you perceived
as being stolen from. (There was no mention
of the live coral you received with your live rock.)
You were out to do some damage, just like you
said you would. Not because you wanted the
people to know the truth, as you didn't tell the truth.
There was no truth in anything you said, except that
the rock you received was of the highest quality.
You made up a story to try to support something
you believed ... THAT was dishonest.
JesseJames ... I am sure you have told this story
to anyone and everyone who would listen, with
all of its falsehoods, from the weight that you got,
to the weight that you paid for, to how much money
you thought you lost ... every bit of it WRONG.
If we should ever run into each other along the trail,
you'd better head the other way!
Back to The Thread ...