Mrs. Birdfish
Dear Miss Blue,
I would like you to remember back to
when you were first ordering your live rock.
Just think back for a moment, with a
clear head to our first e-mail communication.
Your message stated the following:
"I am going to be ordering
the Ultra Fiji Premium Large pieces.
... I would like some Large pieces,
but also maybe some smaller ones."
Now, what did I tell you when I responded?
Okay, in case you don't remember off-hand,
I will refresh your memory for you ...
I was very firm in what I said.
I told you that the ...
"Large Pieces
are VERY large" ... remember?
I think you do remember, as you
have stated recently the following:
"I informed the company of the size of
my aquarium. A 40-gallon breeder.
I asked for their advice on the rock
to purchase.
I was led to the smaller
box of Fiji Ultra Premium.
Not the large show pieces.
That is what I am referring to
when I say the smaller pieces."
I think your memory was refreshed by
your dear friend LadyOctopus, as she
and I had several e-mail correspondences
last week ... and I sent her a copy
of the e-mails between the two of us.
She had been under the impression that
you were
"recommended the box of
small shapes, and that is what you purchased" ...
so I sent her a copy of our e-mails in
order to clarify this, as the
"smaller" pieces
that you ordered were only in
the Fiji
LARGE pieces we carry, which
I explained to you were
"very large" ...
so what she had been feeling you ordered
("small shapes") actually was a
We appreciate the time she took in trying
to bridge the gap in communication.
You have asked what kind of research was
done recently in regard to helping you ...
some of this research and analysis was
the retrieval of the actual correspondence
record, which I located in attempting
to clarify the situation with LadyOctopus.
The reason you were not contacted personally
is because there was communication with
LadyOctopus, who, in essence was
representing you. Please do not take
this personally, but we actually WERE
addressing your issue.
LadyOctopus has explained that you are
dissatisfied with the size and shape of your
live rock, and, from your posts here, it is
quite clear that the size and shape issue
is at the forefront of your displeasure.
For those reading this, and, for the sake
of this letter to you, Miss Blue, I will recap
some of your comments made here.
These comments are listed in the order in
which they were made. In an effort to
make myself more clear, I have capitalized
the word "smaller" or "small" in all of
your messages.
"I ordered the
SMALLER sized rocks."
"I was supposed to get varied pieces
in the order thank you.
Some larger and some
"Yes when I ordered the
box I was told I'd get
SMALLER pieces and
maybe a few larger ones."
"What happened to my
SMALLER pieces?"
"This just makes me want to cry."

"I ordered
SMALLER rocks. =*(
"I was expecting
SMALLER pieces from
what I had asked them. I asked them
what size box they recommended.
The large show piece box, or the
regular box. The regular box I was
told would have
SMALL, medium and
maybe a large piece."
We cannot express to you how very
sorry we are that you did not receive
the size and shape of pieces you
had in your mind.
If we had known that you wanted only SMALL pieces,
we would have told you that we do not carry
them, as we have to many people who come
asking us for smaller sized rocks.
But, that's not what you said ...
that's not what you said you wanted.
As much as you would like to believe
that you ordered "smaller" or
"small" pieces, you did not.
I truly feel for you. Perhaps it was an
enthusiastic mistake, perhaps you were thinking
small as opposed to medium ... although that
is not what I said.
If you were to think "small" at all,
it could only be "smaller" ...
as in RELATION to the Large pieces, which
I told you were "very large"
... the next
size down, or smaller, than "very large"
is still large.
Just in case this was not absolutely clear
to you, I re-stated this again in our second
round of correspondence.
I will re-cap the entire correspondence here
for you, with peripheral information in regard
to shipping, etc. deleted so we can just
focus on what was said in regard to size.
I would also like to point out at this
time that our website has always stated in
regard to our Fiji live rock that "large pieces
are not uncommon." We do not carry
a selection of small pieces and they
are not an option when placing your order.
Your Initial Inquiry:
"I am going to be ordering the Ultra Fiji Premium
Large Pieces. ... I would like some Large pieces,
but also maybe some smaller ones."
My Reply:
"The large pieces are very large ..."
Your Second Inquiry:
"If I ordered the other box of Fiji would
I also get some larger pieces as well?
Or should I just go with the Large?
This is going in my 40 gallon breeder aquarium."
My Second Reply:
"As for the sizes within a regular versus
large pieces box ... you would more than likely
receive some larger sizes in the regular box ...
a *mix of medium to medium-large* pieces.
It would probably be better for you
than the Large ..."
Since you initially were going to order
the LARGE box; and since you stated at first
that you would like some "LARGE pieces" ...
and since I had explained to you that the
"large pieces are very large," with your
response persisting in
"would I also
get some larger pieces ... or should I just
go with the large?" ... how in the
world would I have ever got the feeling
you wanted
small pieces?
I clearly stated that with the regular box
that you would "more than likely receive
some larger sizes" ... I did say a mix of medium
to medium-large,
but I never said small.
Nor, did I say "smaller" ... and even if I
had used the word "smaller," it would
have only been in relation to the Large,
which I had stated were "very large."
Now, this may appear all rather redundant
to you, but the point is that you have stated,
over and over again that you did not get
what your ordered ... that you ordered
"small" or "smaller" pieces,
and this simply is not the case.
Granted, we would have liked to have seen
some more medium pieces (since that is what
would have made you happy), and yes, more
shapely pieces would have worked better
for you ... it is because of this that we
will do our best to help you, but not because
you ordered "small" or "smaller" pieces.
For the purpose of this letter and for the
readers here who may feel that the words small
and smaller have no merit, I ask you only to
read how many times one or both of these
words have been stated in Miss Blue's repertoire.
Now, I don't mean to repeat myself, but
I just want to make sure you understand that
this was
YOUR statement and not mine:
"... I would like some Large pieces,
but also maybe some smaller ones."
Yet, you have stated here the following ...
"I was told I'd get smaller pieces
and maybe a few larger ones."
What was my answer to this when you
were ordering? I said,
"The large pieces
are very large ..." in other words,
large is "very large"
... so smaller
than "very large" is still going to be large.
How do you expect us to feel when we
read the following? ...
"This just makes me want to cry.
I ordered smaller rocks."
"The regular box I was told would
have small, medium and maybe a large piece,"
or "I was expecting smaller pieces ..."
We feel for you, truly we do.
You were expecting smaller pieces, we have
no doubt about that now. But, it wasn't
because of anything we told you.
And, we try to show as many examples of
the Fiji live rock as we can on our website,
but we can't possibly show them all.
Each box is unique ... however, we do
agree with you that the pieces you received
are bulkier than you wanted or than what
you were "expecting" ... but that has
nothing to do with what you were told.
The truth is that you did not order
either "small" or "smaller" pieces ...
anything having to do with "smaller"
was only in relation to "very large" ...
which is still large, or, as I said, medium-large.
If we could just go forward from here,
it would serve us both very well.
However, it is our belief that it was
first important to make sure that you
understand what you ordered and
that you did not order small pieces.
Perhaps now, with this knowledge, you
will feel a little better about the situation.
Other issues in rectifying this situation
will continue, but first and foremost,
the basis of your order during the ordering
process was put to the test with your
statements and this needed to be clarified.
I apologize for the length of this letter,
but, in all fairness to our customer and to
the members of this forum, it seemed that
this matter needed to be openly discussed.
Thank you.
Mrs. Birdfish
Continue to Act XIX - Scene Three