Kupang Corals - January 15th - Pricing

Excellent high quality cultured corals, mounted (glued) on cement or other base

These are A-grade cultured corals
Average 20 pieces per box
Most are 3" - 4" colonies
Most items are 18 to 24 per box - Acropora and Euphyllia are usually 18 per box
Shipment is coming to LAX Wednesday, January 15th, with arrival on Thursday to you.
Cut-off for ordering is Saturday, January 11th.
(Better to order as soon as possible to reserve pieces!)
No guaranty for items over $100.00

F.O.B. Kupang
Animal cost plus landing costs - see landing costs below
Domestic shipping is paid to your airline upon arrival

Inbound landing tranship charges per box: $750.00
Sorry ... inbound freight has currently gone up.

Includes all inbound and handling fees:

International air freight from Kupang, Indo box & packing, CITES permit fee, U.S. Fish & Wildlife - Customs clearance at LAX, re-ox & repack, airbill and drop off to your airline.

Note: You pay domestic shipping to your airline upon pickup.

For arrival LAX January 15th

Kupang Main Page

Samples of actual boxes ...

Here is an actual sample box from October '24 ...

Acropora caroliniana - 3.00 Inch - $28.05
Acropora florida - 3.00 Inch - $23.10
Acropora millepora - 3.00 Inch - $28.05
Acropora millepora - 3.00 Inch - $28.05
Acropora tenuis - 3.00 Inch - $19.80
Catalaphyllia jardinei - 3.50 Inch - $52.50
Clavularia viridis - 3.00 Inch - $24.00
Cynarina lacrymalis - 3.00 Inch - $120.00
Fungia sp. - 2.00 Inch - $52.50
Plerogyra sinuosa - 3.00 Inch - $52.50
Trachyphyllia geoffroyi - 2.50 Inch - $40.50
Trachyphyllia geoffroyi - 2.50 Inch - $45.00
Trachyphyllia geoffroyi - 2.50 Inch - $45.00
Trachyphyllia geoffroyi - 2.50 Inch - $45.00
Euphyllia ancora - 3.00 inch - $45.00
Plerogyra sinuosa - 3.00 Inch - $52.50
Ricordea yuma - 2 Eye - $52.50
Fungia sp. - 2.00 Inch - $60.00
Fungia sp. - 2.00 Inch - $60.00
Fungia sp. - 3.00 Inch - $60.00
Heliofungia actiniformis- 3.50 Inch - $42.00
Mycedium robokaki - 3.00 Inch - $36.00

22 pieces - sub-total - $1012.00
Inbound box landing & handling: $650.00
Total - $1662.00

Here is an actual sample box of Acropora from Feb. '22 ...

1 - austera - $28.80
1 - caroliniana - $38.40
1 - desalwi - $35.20
1 - florida - $32.00
1 - granulosa - $32.00
1 - horrida - $28.80
1 - hyacinthus - $38.40
1 - lokani - $40.00
1 - microlados - $35.20
1 - microlados - $40.00
1 - microphthalma - $28.80
1 - millepora - $38.40
1 - millepora - $56.00
1 - monticulosa - $25.60
1 - nana - $28.80
1 - secale - $35.20
1 - tenuis - $28.80
1 - tenuis - $28.80
1 - tenuis - $28.80
1 - tenuis - $28.80

20 colonies - subtotal: $675.80
Inbound box landing & handling: $768.00
Total: $1443.80

Here is an actual sample box from '21 ...

1 - Cyphastrea - 3" $45.00
1 - Cyphastrea - 3" $45.00
1 - Goniopora - 3" $105.00
1 - Catal. Jardinei Elegance - 3.5" $90.00
1 - Caulastrea - 3" $27.00
1 - Euphyllia ancora hammer - 3.5" $112.50
1 - Favia - 3.5" $52.50
1 - Goniopora stokesi - 3" $45.00
1 - Hydnophora - 3" $21.00
1 - Lobophyllia - 4" $150.00
1 - Trachy geoff - 3.5" $135.00
1 - Trachy geoff - 3.5" $150.00
1 - Trachy geoff - 3.5" $150.00
1 - Trachy geoff - 3.5" $150.00
1 - Caulastrea - 3" $30.00
1 - Discosoma mushroom - 3" $60.00
1 - Euphyllia ancora hammer - 3" $90.00
1 - Lobophytum - 3" $18.00
1 - Rhodactis - 3" $60.00
1 - Rhodactis - 3.5" $75.00
1 - Sarcophyton - 2.5" $22.00
1 - Sinularia - 3" $18.00
1 - Zoanthus - 3" $52.50

23 pcs. - subtotal: $1,703.50
Inbound box landing & handling: $650.00
Total: $2353.50

Our Toll-free Phone:

(866) 874-7639

(855) 225-8086

Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central Time)

(If you have trouble with the first number, please use the second one.)

Our E-mail

Phone: (866) 874-7639 or (855) 225-8086
E-mail: birdfish@livestockusa.org
Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm Central

© www.livestockusa.org, 2025