See the following links for recent availability lists and pricing for additional sources of Philippines tranship fish and invertebrates ...
if placing an order, please request most current lists before creating your order. Note that the .pdf page has been updated more recently
than the scrolling-mobile version.
.pdf page - updated January '25
.pdf page - updated January'25
.pdf page - updated February '25
There are some customer photos of Cebu anemones on the following page ...
Here are a few photos to give an idea of what to expect.
The top four photos are from DJ in Florida; the bottom two from Charlie in Alabama.
Thank you to our customers for the great photos!
Flagfin Angel (Cebu)
Clown Trigger (Cebu)
Katherine's Fairy Wrasse (Cebu)
Pintail Fairy Wrasse (Cebu)
Pinecone Fish (RVS)
Pinecone Fish (RVS)
There are a few GREAT suppliers in the Philippines that use hand and net-trained
divers. Our favorites are among the old-time original fish
shippers there with very good quality fish. Each source has its
strong points. Philippines has a great selection of fish, and
inverts especially. Some high demand items have recently
skyrocketed in price. For many types of fish and inverts,
it is the best place to get them.
This list is common name followed by scientific name (binomial) for accuracy.
We have combined a few different lists from over the course of several months
in order to be able to give a good idea of the selection of fish available
(i.e., not all of these fish are available all the time). A sample list from
three Philippine sources is shown below. Please excuse any typographical errors,
it's sometimes difficult to catch them, as the lists arrive to us from
points of origin. Also, our apologies for the all lower case, the list is
originally all upper case and probably easier to read this way.
Of course, correct binomials always have first letter of genus capitalized,
and species name always all lower case to be scientifically accurate.
Philippines Cebu Fish & Invertebrates -
2 striped damsel - dascyllus reticulatus
adult red wrasse - coris gaimard
anemone shrimp - stenopus species
anemones crab - neopetrolisthes maculatus
antenna goby stonogobiops xanthorhinica
argus wrasse - halichoeres argus
auriga butterfly - chaetodon auriga
australian banded pipe - corythoichthys intestinalis
b & w stripped snapper - pentapodus species
balloonfish - diodon holocanthus
banana fish - caesio pisang
banded butterfly - chaetodon octofasciatus
banded goby - amblyeleotris steinitzi
banded shrimp - stenopus hispidus
banner wrasse - hemigymnus melapterus
bella sand sifting goby - valenciennea bella
bicolor goatfish - parupeneus barberinoides
bicolor parrot - bolbometadon bicolor
black & long spine sea urchin - diadema setosum
black box fish - ostracion trachys
black eye hermit crab - calcinus talismani
black peacock - pterois volitan
black poma angel - centropyge nox
black tongue unicorn tang - naso hexacanthus
black wrasse - labriodes species
black & white heniochus - heniochus acuminatus
blue dotted black blenny - ecsenius species
blue crab - petrolisthes species
blue dotted boxfish - ostracion meleagris
blue eye hermit crab - calcinus talismani
blue face trigger - xanthichthys auromarginatus
blue koran angel - pomacanthus semicirculatus
blue lobster - panularus ornatus
blue red parrot - cirrhilabrus solorensis
blue sided fairy wrasse - cirrhilabrus cyanopleura
blue spotted hermit crab - dardanus guttatus
blue starfish - linkia caeviqata
blue tang - paracanthurus hepatus
blue throat sailfin fairy wrasse - cirrhilabrus cyanogularis
bluehead wrasse - thalassoma amblycephalum
boomerang trigger - suflamen bursa
boxer crab - dardanus megistes
brokenline wrasse - stethojulis interrupta
brown african clown - amphiprion sebae
brown carpet - stoichactis kenti
brown flat anemones - radianthus species
brown peacock - pterois volitan
brown sea hare - dolabrifera, dolabrifera
brown tang - zebrasoma scopas
bullethead rockskipper - istiblennius periophthalmus
bumble bee goby - gobiodon species
bumble bee snail - pusiostoma(engina)mendicaria
bursa trigger - rhinecanrhus verrucosus
camel shrimp - rhyncocinetes ambonensis
carpenter's flasher wrasse - paracheilinus carpenteri
ceram blenny - salarias ceramensis
checkerboard wrasse - halichoeres hortulanos
checkered butterfly - chaetodon xanthurus
chelmon butterfly - chelmon rostratus
cherry (skunk) grouper - vatiola louti
chiseltooth wrasse - pseudodax moluccanus
chocolate starfish - protoreaster nodosus
clearwater wrasse - pseudocoris aequalis
clown trigger - balistoides conspiculum
colored sea urchin - pseudocentrotus depressus
colored slug - nudibranch species
cometa wrasse - labropsis xanthonota
convict tang - acanthurus triostegus
coral beauty angel - centropyge bispinosus
coral hogfish - bodianus mesothorax
curligue anemone - bartholomea annulata
decorated goby - escenias bicolor
diadema grouper - pseudochromis diadema
diamond butterfly - hemitaurichthys polylipes
disappearing wrasse - pseudocheilinus evanidus
dog face puffer - arothron niggropunctatus
domino damsel - dascyllus trimaculatus
double spot wrasse - cheilinus bimaculatus
dragon goby - amblygobius phalaena
dusky blenny - atrosalarias fuscus
dwarf lion - dentrochirus zebra
eight-stripe wrasse - pseudocheilinus octotaenia
emperator angel - pomacanthus imperator
fiddler crab - ocypodidae
filament flasher wrasse - paracheilinus filamentosus
finger tubeworm - cerianthus species
firefish goby - nemateleotris magnificus
flag finned angel - holacanthus trimaculatus
flame scallop - lima mians
fox face - lo vulpinus
garden eel - taenioconger hassi
golden banded shrimp - stenopus hispidus
golden head goby - valenciennea strigata
green anthias - pseudanthias species
green bird fish - gomphosus varius
green bulb anemones - entacmaea quardicolor
green chromis - chromis viridis
green clown goby - gobiodon histrio
green mandarin - synchiropus splendidus
green mantis - odontodactyllus scyllarus
green pipe fish - entelurus aequoreus
green wrasse - halichoeres chloropterus
hair-finned leatherjacket -paramonacanthus japonicus
half black angel - centropyge vrolicki
heart urchin - echinoneneus cyclostomus leske
hermit crab - pagurus species
hermit crab with anemones - pagurus species
hi-fin anthias - plectranthias altipinnatus
humu humu trigger - rhinecanthus aculeatus
japanese swallow angel - genicanthus melanospilus
green wrasse - halichoeres chloropterus
marble wrasse - halichoeres hortulanos
yellow back tubelip wrasse - labropsis xanthonota
tube lip wrasse - labropsis australis
kashiwa anthias - pseudanthias kasiwae
katherine's fairy wrasse - cirrhilabrus katherinea
kleini butterfly - chaetodon kleini
knife fish - aeoliscus strigatus
l.t. anemones - macrodactyla doreensis
lamarck angel - genicanthus lamarck
lemon damsel - amblyglyphidodon ternatensis
leopard wrasse - macropharyngodon meleagris
line spot flasher wrasse - paracheilinus lineopunctatus
lineatus fairy wrasse - lineatus wrasse
lineatus tang - acanthurus lineatus
lipstick tang - naso lituratus
long jaw wrasse - cheilinus oxycephalus
longnose hawkfish - oxycirrhitus typus
lopez's unicorn tang - naso lopezi
lunula butterfly - chaetodon lunula
lyretail anthias - pseudanthias species
lyretail chromis - chromis species
magnificent sea anemone - heteractis magnifica
malcolor snapper - macolor niger
mantis shrimp - squilla mantis
marine catfish - plotosus lineatus
maroon (bulb) anemones - entacmaea quardicolor
maroon clown - premnas biaculeatus
mata tang - acanthurus mata
mimic surgeon fish - acanthurus chronixis
monkey shrimp - saron marmoratus
moorish idol - zanclus canescens
multicolor wrasse - - labroides species
narrow-line puffer - arothron manilensis
nassa mud snail black - nassarius dorsatus
nassa mud snail green - nassarius dorsatus
nassa mud snail white - nassarius crematus
neon blue damsel - pomacentrus simsiang
neon goby - pholidchthys leucotaenia
orange band wrasse - stethojulis balteata
orange epaullete surgeon tang - acanthurus olivaceus
orange line chromis - acanthochromis polyacanthus
orange spotted file fish - oxymonacanthus longirostris
orange spot watchman goby - crysptocentrus cyanotaenia
orange starfish - fromia rubrum
orange stripe bristletooth tang - ctenochaetus striatus
orange tipped bulb anemone - entacmaea quardicolor
orange tipped rainbow - halichoeres melanurus
orange axil wrasse - stethojulis bandanensis
orange line wrasse - halichoeres hartzfeldi
orangestripe cardinal fish - apogon cyanosoma
oriental sweetlips - plectorhinchus lineatus
oriole angel - centropyge bicolor
orna butterfly - chaetodon ornatissimus
ornate goby - istigobius ornate
painted sweetlips - plectorhinchus picus
panda goby - paragobiodon lacunicolus
percula clown - amphiprion ocellaris
phil. yellow tang - acanthurus pyroferus
picture wrasse - halichoeres nebulosus
pink anthias - paranthias colonus
pink hawkfish - paracirrhites arcatus
pink tail trigger - melichthys vidua
pink & blue spotted goby - crysptocentrus leptocephalus
pintail fairy wrasse - cirrhilabrus
plebeius butterfly - chaetodon plebeius
porcupine puffer - diodon hystrix
powder brown tang - acanthurus japonicus
punctato butterfly - chaetodon punctatoofaciatus
purple flame goby - nemateleotris decora
pygmy angel - centropyge species
pyramid snail - tectus fenestratus
queen trigger - odonus niger
rabbit face - siganus virgatus
raflessi butterfly - chaetodon raflessi
rainbow wrasse - labroides dimidiatus
red & yellow banded hermit crab - trizopagurus strigatus
red anthias - pseudanthias specie
red bottom anemones - radianthus species
red bulb anemones - entacmaea quardicolor
red checkered perch - parapercis hexophtalma
red hawkfish - cyprinocirrhites polyactus
red line wrasse - halichoeres biocellatus
red parrot - cirrhilabrus rubripinnis
red reef hermit crab - pagusristes cadenati
red wine scooter blenny - synchiropus tudornjonesi
redhead stylophora goby - paragobiodon echinocephalus
red-margined fairy wrasse - cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus
red-scribbled wrasse (christmas wrasse) - halichoeres claudia
regal angel - pygoplites diacanthus
ritteri anemone - heteractis magnifica
running crab - percnon gibbesi
saddle (valentini) puffer - canthigaster valentine
saddle back butterfly - chaetodon ephippium
saddle back clown - amphiprion polymnus
saddle carpet anemones - stichodactyla gigantia
sailfin tang - zebrasoma veliferum
salarias goby - exallias brevis
sand starfish - nardoa variola
scooter blenny - synchiropus species
scott's greenback fairy wrasse - cirrhilabrus scottorum
sea hare slug - nudibranch species
sea mantis - odontodactyllus japonicus
sexy shrimp - ancylomenes holthuisi
shoulder tang - acanthurus olivaceus
shy file fish - cantherhines verrucunpus
six line wrasse - pseudocheilinus hexataenia
smalltail wrasse - pseudojuloides cerasinus
snowflake moray - echidna nebulosa
spider crab - mierophys species
spot cheeked surgeonfish-lavender tang - acanthurus nigrofuscus
spotted grunt - plectorhinchus chaetodonoides
spotted hawkfish - cirrhitichthys oxycephalus
square anthias - pseudanthias pleurotaenia
starry blenny - salarias species
strawberry grouper - pseudochromis porphyreus
striped blenny - ecsenius species
striped cardinal - apogon quadrifasciatus
striped grunt - plectorhinchus albovittatus
striped red parrot - cirrhilabrus specie
striped wrasse - thalassoma amblycephalum
sergeant major damsel - adudefduf saxatilis
temminck's wrasse - cirrhilabrus temmincki
thalasoma wrasse - thalasoma lunure
tibicin (key hole) angel - centropyge tibicin
tiger sand conch - strombus luhuanus
tiger tail sea cucumber - holothuria hilla
tomato clown - amphiprion frenatus
triangle butterfly - chaetodon triangulum
truncatus anthias - pseudanthias truncatus
tuxedo urchin - mespilia globulus
twinspot goby - signigobius biocellatus
two-tone wrasse - halichoeres prosopeion
undulatus trigger - balistapus undulatus
unicorn tang - naso unicornis
v tail grouper - cephalopholis urodelus
vagabond butterfly - chaetodon vagabundus
velvet slug - philinopsis cyanea
white bar blenny - parapercis xanthozona
white fin lion - pterois antennata
white flat anemones - radianthus species
white goby - hoplolatilus species
white spot cardinal - apogon sp.
white spotted hermit crab - dardanus megistos
yellow angel - centropyge heraldi
yellow anthias - pseudanthias luzonensis
yellow bottom anemones - radianthus species
yellow breasted wrasse - anampses twistii
yellow damsel - stegastes aureus
yellow dog face puffer - arothron meleagris
yellow line snapper - lutjanus carponotatus
yellow long nose butterfly - forcipiger longirostris
yellow prawn goby - crysptocentrus cyanotaenia
yellow sea cucumber
yellow wrasse - halichuoeres chrysus
yellow-tailed surgeonfish - acanthurus thompsoni
zebra lion - dentrochirus zebra
Average 18-24 fish per box of medium to large sizes;
small fish (i.e., damsels), approx. 100-150 per box
(double layer box)
Please e-mail us to get current pricing and stock on fish.
Most of it is available most of the time.
See the .pdf (or non-.pdf/mobile version) link at top of page for recent availability lists
and pricing for Philippine tranship fish and invertebrates ...
if placing an order, please request most current list before creating your list.
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Our Toll-free Phone:
(866) 874-7639
(855) 225-8086
Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central Time)