Marine Livestock Lists

Shown below are some of the current availability lists from the various places of origin. The lists are shown in .pdf* format. Click any of the .pdf links below to see a stock list with sizing, pricing, and order codes.

*(Adobe "Portable Document Format")

These lists are updated regularly, but they may not be the most current, so if you are interested in ordering, please send us an e-mail to request the most recent list. The lists below, however, are a good example of what has been coming in from the various sites. Our most current lists, which are e-mailed, are available for reading in a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel. Please send us an e-mail if you would like to be included on our mailing list.

If you do not see a "most recent update" notation below the source link, it is probably because that particular source is currently closed, which is probably a temporary situation, so the last available list is linked for reference.

If you are not already familiar with these lists, please see the following page ...

Coral Lists:

Most recent update: June '24

Most recent update: June 19, '24

Photos can be seen on the following page ...

Kupang - June 26th

Most recent update: June '24

Photos can be seen on the following page ...


Most recent update: Mar. '24

Photos can be seen on the following page ...

Tahiti Clams

Awaiting future updates or currently unavailable ...

Photos can be seen on the following page ...


Fish & Invertebrate Lists:

Most recent update: June '24

Most recent update: June '24

Most recent update: June '24

Most recent update: May '24

Most recent update: May '24

Most recent update: May '24

Most recent update: May '24

Most recent update: May '24

Most recent update: Mar. '24

Awaiting future updates or currently unavailable ...

Most recent update: July '23

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(866) 874-7639

Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central Time)

Our E-mail

Phone: (866) 874-7639
Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm Central

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