Please note ...
Fiji is currently closed for wild-collected live rock,
but has excellent cultured live rock available, shown below.
Our live rock is collected by hand in the South Pacific.
We "meet the plane" and immediately
deliver the live rock to your airline.
It's our belief that the sooner we can
get your live rock to you, the better
it will be and the sooner it will cure.
All of the out-of-water photos within
this page were taken immediately after
the live rock arrived ... directly out
of the box, uncured and this is the
type of live rock you can expect to see.
Since many of types of live rock that used to be available
are now off-line, we have moved the photos and information
about these other types of live rock to another page ...
Live Rock Archive Page
There is Fiji live rock! They found it! The lost rock. This is cultured
and made from a combination of cement, oyster shell, and (coral) sand
and bits. It has been under water over three years now and looks great.
It is not actual old eroded coral pieces, but the overall visual effect
is pretty close to what a reef of good Fiji live rock looked like. So it
is not wild coral pieces, but the coverage makes up for it. It is encrusted
with all kinds of the usual Fiji corallines and such. Current schedule
has it arriving to LAX on Wednesdays with Fiji fish shipments, so Thursday to you.
Shipping cost to your airport is not included, you will pay your shipping to the airline when you pick up your order.
Note regarding Delta Airlines customers ... please add $20 to your order for shipping adjustment.
(To see if your destination is serviced by Southwest Airlines, see map link on the following page.)
Thanks to John M. of Virginia for the following photos of his Fiji cultured live rock
after curing, and the following comments ...
"Some quick mobile phone pics of the rocks are attached.
They cured surprisingly quick. Just under a week-and-a-half. Without a skimmer no less,
just a good-sized water change every 2-3 days. The amount of life showing up already is
surprising as well. Pink, purple, and red coralline is beginning to take hold.
Dozens of tunicates. And even a few zoanthids."
Then a bit later ...
"Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention … there is some type of SPS coral growing
on the live rock already too. Just noticed it two nights ago when my lights
went into the actinic range just before shutting off for the night. It's
barely the size of a tic-tac candy so too soon tell if it'll be encrusting
or branching. But there's enough 'skin' and poly definition to make me 90%
certain it's SPS (green with red polyps by the look of it). Either way,
a very cool surprise … especially this early on."
We ship to just about all major U.S. airports and many
secondary (connection) locations as well. If you wish
to confirm shipping availability to your airport prior
to ordering, just send us an email or give us a call.
We can give you an idea of what your shipping costs
will be based on your airport.
Shipping costs average $1.00 per pound. But one box
shipments will just be the minimum charge the airline has
for airfreight since it is way under a hundred pounds.
Your domestic shipping LAX to you, you will pay directly to
the airline when you pick up your live rock.
FedEx may also be available on a prepaid basis.
Leadtimes for the various livestock products
can fluctuate and are dependent on where your
live rock or corals originate from, as the incoming
flights may arrive on different days.
Due to this, ship days may vary.
Also, we place our orders several days
in advance of the incoming shipments.
If your order is placed prior to our ordering day,
your order may arrive in approx. five days
(or sooner), but if your order is placed just
after our ordering day (deadline), your order
will more than likely arrive with the subsequent
incoming shipment, which can be a week+ later.
Also, there can be delays during certain times
of the year. Planning ahead is crucial when
scheduling your livestock order ... if you would
like to find out what the shipping schedules
are in advance of placing your order, just
send us an e-mail message or give us a call.
We do not ship to the Los Angeles metropolitan area or Canada.
Also see useful guidelines in caring for your live rock
toward the bottom of the following page ...
Live Rock Overview
Currently Walt Smith Co. pre-weighs the boxes to 48 pounds.
The following was written when rock box weights varied:
If your live rock comes in lighter than the paid estimated weight,
you will receive a refund for the difference immediately. If your
live rock comes in heavier than the estimated amount, a prompt payment
for the difference is expected and appreciated. The legal weight of
your live rock for CITES permits, Fish & Wildlife clearance, etc.,
is determined at the place of origin and is on the invoice we receive.
See our article "Rock Weights" linked below.
Rock Weights
Our Toll-free Phone:
(866) 874-7639
(855) 225-8086
Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central Time)
Phone: (866) 874-7639 or (855) 225-8086
Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm Central