Please see the following links for recent availability lists and pricing for Bali-Lombok tranship fish and invertebrates.
If placing an order, please request the most current list before creating your list.
.pdf page - updated January '25
Bali Fish - Main Page
A sample list of Bali Lombok is shown below on this page.
This list is common name followed by scientific name (binomial) for accuracy.
We have combined a few different lists from over the course of several months
in order to be able to give a good idea of the selection of fish available
(i.e., not all of these fish are available all the time). Please excuse any
typographical errors, it's sometimes difficult to catch them, as the lists
arrive to us from points of origin. Also, our apologies for the all lower case,
the list is originally all upper case and probably easier to read this way.
Of course, correct binomials always have first letter of genus capitalized,
and species name always all lower case to be scientifically accurate.
anemone crab - neopetrolisthes ohshimai
anemone shrimp - periclimenes brevicapals
bali star fish - protoreaster lincki
banded shrimp - stnopus hispidus
blue star - linckia lavigata
brittle banded star - ophiolepis superba
brittle green star - ophiarachna incrassata
camel shrimp - rhynchocinetes uritai
fire shrimp - lysmata debelius
green carpet anemone - stoichacthis kentii
harlequine shrimp - hymenocera picta
mantis shrimp - odontodactylus sp.
milk sand anemone - girostorna sp.
shame faced crab - callapa spec.
skunk shrimp - lysmata amboinensis
slug - thuridilla sp.
steintz shrimp goby - amblyeleotris steintz
white star - archaster typicus
Average fish per box, based on fish size:
Average 16-22 fish per box of mixed sizes; large fish may
be 5-10 per box; smalls, approx. 30 per box
Please e-mail us to get current pricing and stock on fish.
Most of it is available most of the time.
See the .pdf (or non-.pdf/mobile version) link at top of page for recent availability lists
and pricing for Bali Lombok tranship fish and invertebrates ...
if placing an order, please request most current list before creating your list.
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Our Toll-free Phone:
(866) 874-7639
(855) 225-8086
Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central Time)
(If you have trouble with the first number, please use the second one.)