Blastomussa are a large polyp stony coral
that are in extremely high demand because
of their general rarity, whether that's
real, or a function of where we collect.
In any case, "no, we can't get you box" ...
they are usually rationed a piece
per box of corals on the wholesale level!
Blastomussa wellsi (Kupang)
Blastomussa wellsi (Kupang)
Blastomussa merletti & wellsi
Blastomussa (with Cynarina on right)
Cultured Blastomussa corals from Kupang
(Please do not consider this page as an open invitation to send us your coral
photos for indentification ... thank you!)
Our Toll-free Phone:
(866) 874-7639
(855) 225-8086
Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central Time)
(If you have trouble with the first number, please use the second one.)