Excellent high quality cultured corals, most mounted (glued) and grown on cement or other base
Cultured (most) corals
Avg. 20 colonies per box (Acros and Euphys often 18)
Mostly 3" - 4" colonies
Most items are 18 to 24 per box
Inbound landing and handling charges $800.00 per box
Sorry ... inbound freight has currently gone up.
Note: You pay domestic shipping to your airline at pickup
This shipment is coming to LAX Wednesday, March 12th,
with arrival on Thursday to you.
Note on the pricing page for some types of corals there are
numbers for a type for which there is no photo. That is
because they all were essentially the same as the ones shown.
Note on some zoas and mushrooms it may state x number pcs. in the
size column. That is how many polyps there are on that piece.
Also, please note that you can ask for just 15 pieces in the box if you
are ordering expensive items only and that is all you want.
They packed a 6-piece box with those $700 AA grade Acanthophyllias.
The box might come in a little cheaper than a 20-22 piece box.
If your order is mostly the less-costly items, figure 20 pieces on average
to fill the box. Acropora and Euphyllia are 18 to a box.
To receive a price list on an Excel file, please send us an e-mail!
Additional pricing info.
Kupang Main Page
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There are also photos of previous availabilities for reference on links on the following page ...
Kupang Corals
Our Toll-free Phone:
(866) 874-7631
(855) 225-8086
Monday through Friday from 1:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central Time)